Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Metric - Fantasies

As of right now i'm completely addicted to this album. I've been listening to it in my car for a couple of months now. i'm usually not a huge fan of female vocalists (especially when it comes to rock), but this chick, i love. So please, if you get the chance, listen to it.

Hoosiers - Trick to Life

These guys are a little strange. They have some really bubbly tunes, but then some really deep and meaningful songs aswell. They have this certain sound to them too... for lack of a better word they kinda have an indie vibe to them. Either way, this album is really good, and you should listen to it.

Weezer - Red Album

All i've got to say about these guys, is that they're awesome.

Coldplay - Viva La Vida

Up until now, i've only listened to coldplay on the radio, and i absolutely love their songs. Just recently i've decided to listen to an entire album, this is the only one i've listened to so far, and i've got to say i like this cd, but i was kinda expecting more. the songs on the radio seem so epic and moving, i was really hoping all of their songs were like that. Not to say that the album was bad, its a beautiful album, its just not legendary or anything.

USS - Questamation

I don't really know how to explain these guys. their music isn't too deep, what you see is what you get, but most of their songs are still pretty good. some of them are pretty cute actually... theres one song on here that i can't stand. "stationary robbery" i think its supposed to be funny, but its not. but the rest of the cd is worth listening to.

Rob Thomas - Cradlesong

I loved Matchbox Twenty when they were still together, so obviously i started to listen to rob thomas when he started making music by himself. This album, like most, has some really good songs, and some that aren't too great. Most of the lyrics are worth listening to, however some of the lyrics drive me mental, they're so stupid. But all in all, its a good album, and worth listening to.

Although, i've got to say, i hate the album art, but i'll live.

Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion

i have no idea why i'm posting this. i guess because its fun. i don't take this album seriously, in any way. but i did like it for a while, so if you need something bubbly and fun to listen to, i guess i recommend it... maybe...

Nirvana - Nevermind

i know everyone knows about this cd, so theres no need to really explain it. i'm a HUGE fan of this album.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Bravery - The Sun and the Moon

I instantly fell in love with this CD when i first heard it, it definetly has that indie vibe... the lyrics are insane though. i would listen to this cd just to hear the lyrics. honestly, you need to listen/read the lyrics. Hope you listen to it!

Tragically Hip - We Are The Same

I really didn't like the Tragically Hip before i got this cd. I didn't understand why everyone liked them, until i heard their new song "love is a first," but now i'm in love with all of their songs. I definetly recommend this cd.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

Really weird CD. There are some really good songs on this album like "two weeks," "all we ask," and "while we wait for the others," but there are some songs that i'm not too excited about. I think its hilarious that one of the genres that they're put under is psychedelic folk. Everyone should listen to some of their songs, even if its just once.

Interpol - Antics

I just started listening to Interpol, and so far i've really enjoyed the album antics. The one song on it that i'm addicted to is "evil." the rest of the album is really good, but so far i've only listened to the album as a whole, not the individual songs, so they've all kinda bundled together for me. 

but yea, a good album.